Saturday, November 14, 2009

Their Preferences #2

1. Where was their favorite place to shop?
2. What was their favorite time of day?
3. Were they “night owls” or “early birds”? Describe some of these habits and routines.
4. Do you recall a favorite pair of shoes they owned? Describe them.
5. Did they have a favorite author? Who? Why? Tell about favorite books. What did books mean to them?

"They were definitely early birds, especially grandpa!"

"1. (Wilma) JC Penney's
2. No Idea
3. (Ivan) early Bird (Wilma) Night Owl.
4. nope
5. (Wilma) Yes - Who? Zane Gray"

"1. Well I don’t ever remember going shopping with them, but my dad told me that Grandma always went shopping for produce at Cy’s Market on 7th East in Sandy.
3. Grandpa was a hard worker so I imagine that he was one to hop out of bed and get to work, but grandma liked to talk and I know when we lived in Oregon my mom used to say Grandma would call her late because everyone else in Utah had gone to bed and grandma knew that mom was still up and my dad was at work.
5. I don’t know what they read, but I do remember that I loved to listen to the book on tape when I went to their house."

"1. I can't remember the name of the place but there was a fresh produce market on 700 E that grandma always took us to. I liked going with her because she always let us have some of what she purchased.
2&3. I agree with Dave they were both early birds. So morning would probably be one of their favorite times of day. It makes me wonder where I came from because I am a "night owl". I also know they enjoyed sitting on their front porch in the evenings and watching the cars go by.
4. Grandma loved slippers and anything slip on. I know she really loved the great Australian slippers that Bev would get us. I loved them too. You can beat a great pair of fur lined Australian slippers. Grandpa would have had his work boots. They looked like they were as old as he was and I used to wonder what they would say if they could talk.
5. I'm sure they had a favorite author I just don't know who it would be. I know they both enjoyed the scriptures. Grandma loved writing and poetry and has even been published. Grandma loved books from the classics to new novels. I know someone in the family got her into "the Work and the Glory" books and I remember buying some for her to add to her collection for birthday and mother's day gifts."

"Trust me grandma was an early bird. Every Saturday morning she would call to check in on us. Luckily my mom woke up and took the phone call because I wouldn't get out of bed until 10 or 11 am."

"I remember a trip or two to Cy's Market. I don't, however, remember if it was with Dad or Grandma! I remember them getting up early to go work at the temple when we stayed with them while mom and dad went on one of their little excursions with the Holdaway family."

"1. Dad didn't shop as I recall. Mom probably Sprouse Reitz would be number 1 on her list. I think mom would have loved to shop more.
2. & 3. I don't know that either had a favorite time of day. Dad was an early riser and Mom was more of a night owl as I recall.
4. Except for Sunday dad either wore an old pair of work shoes or his rubber boots he used for irrigating. And he would wear the shoes until they practically fell off and the boots until they leaked bad enough that he was tired of them. Mom would be a little more frivolous. She may have had a couple or even three pair of shoes for Sunday. But during the week I think she preferred flip flops.
5. Dad read very little except the scriptures. Mother read anything she could get her hands on. She seemed to love poetry to read or to write. I have no idea if she had a favorite author.

They were not frivolous people. They had to work hard to get by their entire lives. Going to movies or restaurants or staying in hotels were a rarity for them. What they had they used until it couldn't be used anymore and then they found another use for it. For most of their life if they could make something they would do so instead of buying it."

"You didn't remember that Mom's favorite author was Zane Grey? She only bought every book he published as well as many others. There were no "lending libraries" where Mom grew up and books were a highly desired treasure for all of the Morgan/Clara Gibson family. Books were not only Mom's hobby but probably her only real extravagance.
The only people I know who lived a more simple life than Mom & Dad were our grandparents, Ezra and Vilda Kunz. Like Grandma & Grandpa Kunz, whatever amount of money they had above their basic fixed expenses (household-utilities, upkeep; food & clothing) generally went into helping other people. Ultimately, their effort to have extra food, clothing and bedding put away for hard times did help all of our families somewhat after they died (I still have a ten year supply of beans and rice). However much of the food had to be disposed of because it was too old. But I believe they will be judged in heaven for their obedience to Church instruction concerning being self-sufficient and the genuine intent of their hearts to help others."

"I was reading the blog yesterday and the comments on whether mom and dad were morning and night people caught my attention. Dad certainly was a morning person, but mother I think for some periods of her life masqueraded as a morning person; but like her mother, was indeed a night owl and there was many a night that she would sit up reading in her chair in the living room. Since my bedroom was next to the living room I can remember the late nights. She would often say she was waiting up for us kids, but I think it was her excuse to be able to stay up and satisfy her night owl tendencies.

Some of you had commented you wondered where your night owl tendency came from so I thought I should fill in a little here. Grandma Clara is where it would come from. She even belonged to the "Night Owls Club."It was a radio station where people could call in and talk through the wee hours of the night. She would sit and listen to all the conversations late into the night. I don't know if she ever called in herself, but she would sit and listen by the hour. I know when she lived in Uncle Herb's little house next door, you would always see the table lamp on by her chair late into the night. So rest assured it is in the genes.

I know I am certainly a night owl having to masquerade as a morning dove. The hardest thing for me to do in the evening is get to bed at a decent time, because I have to get up before 5 AM. I just come alive at bedtime and have a surge of energy that many times won't let me get to sleep even if I do make it to bed early. Which like this morning makes it hard when the alarm goes off, because the masquerading morning dove,would rather stay in bed."


  1. Looks great Marlies. Thanks for all your efforts.

  2. No problem Kori. It's my way of working on family history.
