Monday, November 30, 2009

Preferences Week #4

1. What is their favorite season? Do you know why?
2. Tell about any of their travels or vacations you know of?
3. What was their favorite holiday? How did they celebrate?
4. Did they know any foreign languages, which ones? Why did they learn it?
5. Describe a favorite dress/ outfit, etc.

"1. I'm not 100% sure but I know Grandma enjoyed spring. Whether it was her favorite or not is another story. I remember Grandma telling me how wonderful spring was with the new flowers and the rain.
2. I know they wanted to go to Australia to see Bev and the girls but I'm not sure they ever made it. Vacationing was something they just didn't do a whole lot of. I do remember camping in the mountains with them once. I believe we went to Mirror lake in the Uintah's. Grandma loved the lily pads on the lake.
3. I would say they loved all holidays because they enjoyed having their family around them. But I think Christmas was probably the favorite. They didn't have a lot of money and spoiled us with love instead. I loved going to grandma's and "performing" the nativity every Christmas and also enjoyed singing Christmas songs. I know grandma and grandpa enjoyed watching their grandchildren perform for them too.
4. Grandma knew "Canadian" (Ay!) J/K I'm at a loss on this one so I'm just being funny.
5. Grandpa's outfit was definitely his gray or blue work overalls. He was so cute! I can picture him now. He also had lot's of flannel shirts that he wore with the overalls. Grandma's outfit was definitely the brightly colored mu mu's (spelling?) She had quite the collection of them."

"Gma and Gpa went to Hawaii with our family in about 1978. I can't remember much about it but Dave might. As for "fashion" I agree with Kori, Gpa seemed to prefer overalls (I think they were blue/white mini-striped) and Gma's mu-mus. She did seem to have many. I think the only other dress I remember her wearing was like a light pink or dusty rose color polyester dress with pleats I think--what do you guys remember?"

"As far as the vacation to Hawaii... we went to what is now the Turtle Bay Hilton on the north shore of Oahu. They didn't come out much... but did come down and wade in the ocean with us.

foreign languages- none that I know of. But ask one of their kids because grandpa was born in Bern ID where the Kunz's settled after imigrating fm Switzerland and may have known some German and grandma may have grown up around french... But I can't remember either of them speaking anything but English

I remember thanksgiving and christmas at grandpa and grandma's with all the aunts and uncles and cousins until I was about 11 or 12."

"I don't know about favorite seasons, but I remember Grandpa complaining about the time change to Daylight Savings Time and then changing back again in the fall. He told me that the farmers had nothing to do with that nonsense, it just messed up milking time. Thanks for invoking these trivial memories Marlies, it is amazing what random things pop into one's mind once provoked. I'm pretty sure Grandma's favorite dress was any style of a Moo-Moo. They were comfortable for her and fit her. I got one when we were in Hawaii and I have to admit, it is very comfy to wear, especially with flip flops, which she also wore. "

"I don't recall a favorite outfit other than the ones already mentioned, but one thought that came to mind was that grandma often wore a single chain necklace with a pendent around her neck. I also recall her wind song perfume. I always think of her when I smell it."

"I don't have an answer to any of these except that they didn't know any foreign languages unless you call mother's pig latin a language. "

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