Monday, November 9, 2009

Their Preferences #1

1. Which sports did grandma and/or grandpa enjoy as a spectator? Which sports did they participate in? Tell of a memory you have with them and sports.
2. What kind of things do you remember them collecting?
3. What kind of music did they like? Share a memory of them with music.
4. What things did they enjoy doing? What did you enjoy doing with them?
5. What was their favorite restaurant? Why did they like to go there?

"1. sports - I don't think Dad had a favorite sport. When he was growing up he worked and I don't think he had the opportunity to play any sports. Both Dad and Mother would come and watch the softball and basketball games we boys played in. That is until Mother started having heart problems and the excitement was to much for her. Then only Dad would come. Mother liked to watch professional wrestling, I could never figure out why. I think she had a thing for a wrestler by the name of Yvonne Ouimette.
2. Collecting - The main thing I remember them collecting was kids. Well that and bottles of old fruit and vegetables that we had to get rid of after they died.Of course you might say Dad was sort of a collector. He saved every nut and bolt and usable parts that were laying around in case the would be of use. And at one time or another they generally were.Mother loved to read and had a collection of books she had read.
3. Music - Other than church hymns I don't know of any type for Dad. I think Mother liked classical as well as church hymns. I know she hated the 50's and 60's rock.
4. Enjoy doing??? - I think for Dad it must have been work. We went on very few vacations and they were generally the Kunz Reunion. When Dad had to haul scrap copper to Wallace Idaho he would take a couple of us kids with him. That was one high light for me.I think Mom's enjoyment was talking to someone on the phone. I think there were probably a lot of things she would have liked to do but circumstance wouldn't permit.
5. Restaurant - Up until they had the wedding breakfast at Harman's Kentucky Fried Chicken on 39th South and State I don't think I was ever in a restaurant with Dad and Mother both. On our trips to Wallace Idaho the 4 Bee's Cafe, or was it 3 B's, anyway it was a high light of the trip." -Uncle Marv

"I remember Grandma collected nick-nacks. She had tons of little glass figurines of animals and such. The reason I remember this is because sometimes when we would spend the day there, we had to help with the housework and I hated dusting all her little shelves of nick-nacks. I think her favorite store was Rexall. It was located where the dollar store is now over at the Sandy Mall. She was always getting stuff there. If it was a good deal, she would buy 3 or 4, not that she needed them, but they were such a good price so why not stock up. "
"I just remembered that they used to like to go to McDonalds on occasion. The occasion would be after church on Sunday. I guess Grandma figured that it was her day of rest from cooking."

"Grandma and Grandpa Kunz, what can i say my sister and probably have the lest memories of everybody as we were so far away and visiting was really hard, but this is what i remember (although i don't think they will fit in too well with the list above).ok i remember grandpa and his raspberry patch out the back (i think it was raspberry), making raspberry ice cream in the ice churner (hard work for some ice cream), and irrigating the yard, sooo cold but sooo much fun in summer :)i remember grandma and her owls and thimbles all over the house (i was actually collecting thimbles for her on my central australia camp when she died) i know have them in my display cupboard and tell my kids why i have them when they ask about them.I also remember grandma always having a bowl of peanut M&M's in the front room that my sister and i were always emptying when mum wasn't watching and grandma was always filling so we wouldn't get caught out. (It used to drive mum mad, she would tell us to stop and grandma would say keep going. we would always listen to grandma it was much more fun :) )I suppose being only 12 the last time i saw them i am probably more lolly remembering than most other things (lollies are important at 12), although i suppose these are also the things that stick with you through your i think of more I will add but this is a starting point"
-Amelia from down under

"1. Okay so this is a hard one for me. All I remember is that they were very supportive and would come to softball games, dance recitals and piano recitals that I had.
2. Grandma collected thimbles, spoons, books, and anything "owl" related. Grandpa collected anything mechanical and coins. Grandma also had a great "Troll" doll collection that I loved to play with as a child. They stood on a great shelf that grandpa had built for her.
3. I mostly remember Christmas songs, Tabernacle Choir songs, and church music.
4. Grandpa liked to "tinker" and fix things. Whatever he got his hands on he could fix. It was great to see his mind work through a problem and fix it right before your very eyes. Grandma enjoyed sitting in her padded rocking chair and talking on the phone. I loved Sunday night visits to their house and playing and talking with Aunts, Uncles, and cousins. I also loved a good competitive game of Yahtzee with them. Grandma always wanted to win and Grandpa would always let everyone win but him. I'm also with Amelia and loved playing in the canal water grandpa used to flood the yard to water it. Grandma would sit on a chair on the porch and Grandpa would stand near the opening of the ditch leaning on his shovel. I used to think they were both thinking they had the funniest grandkids ever.
5. I don't remember them eating out much. Grandma was always cooking. I do remember that they had to have a slice of bread with butter for every meal."

"Thank heavens for Kori. I wouldn't have remembered those things, but now I do. The owls, the trolls and she had some black velvet pillows with maps or pics of Australia. She had a few great pictures--scenes from Canada- in her bathroom-one of a royal garden with mountains in the back I think--I loved that pic. Gma also collected magnets on her fridge--again from Australia and other places-and one with the face of a little boy who looked like Adam that said--"I know I'm somebody 'cause God don't make no junk". I have no recollection of them having any inclination for sports or restaurants. I remember Gpa always tinkering and his fingers always having traces of grease in them. Great hands. Gma also seemed to have a collection of moo-moos(sp?) I never saw her in pants."

"2. Grandma collected those little plastic Indians with all the different expressions. Her favorite thing to collect seemed to be owls. Maybe it was because she was such a night owl. I don’t know. 3. I remember that Grandpa Kunz loved the primary songs near the end of his life and I was honored to be asked to play a few at his funeral.
4. Grandpa seemed to enjoy hard work. He was always working and if he was sitting still he was sleeping. Grandma was quite the talker. She never seemed to run out of things to talk about as I recall."

"I love the idea, thanks for thinking of it. Trevor remembers playing with a red tractor at their house (which is pretty good because he was only 2 1/2 years old when they passed away). Jeff said that he remembers going over to Grandma and Grandpa's house after they irrigated and collecting worms and selling them with Grandma."

"Grandpa and Grandma Kunz would watch us play sports, but didn't participate much

As far as a restaurant. I remember getting KFC when we would go visit them and they hadn't eaten. It wasn't often but it was one of the things that I remember."

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